Upside-down triangles and strange shapes

This particular session focused on the journey from academic paper, to press release, to newspaper.

With a step back in time into an English Language lesson, I sat and annotated various examples of scientific literature. All that was missing was my trusty GCSE highlighter.

It wasn’t until sitting trying, but failing, to write a press release that this session became the most valuable of all. Once the upside triangle entered my mind I had an idea where to start. And then like a replay in my brain of the session, I had in my mind the importance of balancing assumed knowledge and patronisation. More importantly the relationship between; purpose, audience, content, language and style was my proof-reading guideline.

In contrast; to stay true to the complexities of a research paper, its representing shape was as equally complicated. However, this shape helped me break down the article into a way I could process it. All articles should come with a ‘how to read guide’ and this shape as its motif.

Whilst on the subject of shapes I managed to find an image of how I used to view papers:


Furthermore hearing examples of vocabulary, although obvious, helped me differentiate how to write to various audiences and how to ‘jazz-up’ or ‘dumb-down’ my writing.

I learnt more in this single session of writing than I did my entire English career at school- maybe I just paid more attention. Nevertheless it is fair to say that this session will certainly help me in my career. 

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